I feel like a zombie. All I know is that however pretty my make-up is, I look and feel like a lovely made-up corpse. D.E.A.D. I feel like a corpse too. Barely breathing, red eyes and dead expression. Eloisa would look at me and say that my "GLOW" is missing again.
1. Make me throw up whatever I eat2. Make me not sleep
or sometimes, it has the tendency to do BOTH at the same time. Thank you, Lola Gets for this great pamana. I appreciate asthma in all forms, shapes and sizes. *rolls eyes*...
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Actually, it's been missing for a few weeks now. Eversince I got sick and got some message about someone who screwed me over. !@$%^^%#%^%^%!!! I really do not know how to get it back. Maybe one day, it will all just be magical again. Right now, though, I feel like hell.
I am breathing and hopes that everything will turn out today. It's been three days since I last really fell asleep- America's Next Top Model Marathons comfort me because Mr. Jay Manuel is divine - but it is also not enough. I have medicines that do one of two things:
1. Make me throw up whatever I eat2. Make me not sleep
or sometimes, it has the tendency to do BOTH at the same time. Thank you, Lola Gets for this great pamana. I appreciate asthma in all forms, shapes and sizes. *rolls eyes*...
I guess it's my body's way of sayingSLOW DOWN, BIATCH! THE WORLD WILL TURN WITHOUT YOU. Sure it would... but it needs me there for it to be more FABULOUS AND EXCITING.
I missed blogging. I have a lot to tell and frankly I haven't had the time to do so because work just kept me going and going and going. Of course, there was downtime with Christmas and all, but that was all about FAMILY.
So.. where do I start?
So.. where do I start?
-- 2010--
2010 is promising to me. I feel that this year would be a year for LOVE, CHANGE and a lot of OPENNESS for me. It's already started. I have talked to my mom more now than for the past 20 years of my life and frankly, i quite enjoy it. I don't hide away anymore, because, I mean I'm 30 and not 18 -- i think they'd want me to date, right?
On the dating scene, several prospects pop into view. :) let's just put it this way, I'm good in that department. Maybe even a little well off. I am pretty (except today) and losing weight. I am also feeling a bit more confident about myself.
Maybe one would be better than before. Who knows? Right?