Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1 comments Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hooked on Crafting again!

Posted by Maia - Filed under , , ,
I really thought I kicked the habit. I thought that I have left crafting behind when I moved back home. It was because materials were scarce and I really didnt have time for anything when I started my double jobs . But I was searching for a way to create- my inner muse wouldnt let me sleep until I did. So in my free time I drew, I sang, I wrote - none of them could really appease the extreme wantings of my ravaged and deprived muse.

I was an extreme crafter before. I created everything from Kitty hats, bags, purses, cosplay. I stenciled art, I sewed, I made plushies. doggie clothes etc. etc. etc.... The Picture above and on the left shows most of the things I have made during my long crafting hours in the US. The proximity of Michael's , Joann's and other crafting superstores gave me the ability to create everything I ever dreamed of.

But when I came home to the Philippines, I was deprived and sad because crafting was a thing of the past. I didnt have an easy access to my materials. I havent had time to use my new sewing machine. I simply didn't have time to do anything anymore. Up until one day, my grandmother gave me yarn and hooks that she had left over. I had made small projects, Cellphone bags, clips and a hat. I even tried the Tunisian Crochet technique, but since I really had no inspiration or no one to make things for, I stopped. I just didnt have the drive to finish them knowing that even if I do start, I wouldnt be able to follow through because of lack of materials.

Then, came Baby Katrice. I needed to do something special for her since she was the baby of one of my BEST FRIENDS. I wanted to make her something that she could use for a long time and take as an heirloom. Gifts were impersonal and I wanted something new. I looked at my really small yarn stash and decided I could possibly use it all up and make a small blanket for the baby.
I started the project last Sunday and from then on I couldn't put the hook down! I made 4 granny squares 12" in a span of 2 days. From a simple white pinwheel square to a gorgeous star granny,I progressed to 3 other 12" squares to make this really cute purple pink blue baby blanket that I hope that she will like. It's not done yet but I want to share the progress pics for this pretty little blanket..

Top right, is the circle Granny square made of scrap purple and blue yarn, and pink acrylic yarn from Skylab Commercial ( I still think I need a better place for materials) , next to it is the star granny square ( I simply adore that square. ) Below it is the simply white Pinwheel square (I would put a big K there :)) and next to it is the blocks granny square. I dont have a pattern for most of these so they are a bit uneven but I think they will be alright. I am planning to put a powder blue and white bindings on it as well. I think it will look just fine. I think I could finish the whole thing by tommorow or Thursday. I need to wash it over the weekend before I could give it to the baby. I want it nice and soft by the time I give it to her!

I am thinking that after this, Im gonna get back into the crafting habit. It makes me happy, it makes my mood bettter and It does me good. Maybe an afghan for a couple friends? I also need to explore Divisoria and Quiapo for materials.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Marikit!

    My name is Peach and I came across your site while browsing for nice free patterns.

    I really admire how you did your granny squares... Do you mind sharing your 4-square patterns to me so I can also use them in the blankie I am trying to make for my 'coming soon' baby? Oh by the way, I am currently a stay home preggo wife, waiting for my child's birth. =)

    I really hope you don't mind.
    By the way, my email address is bubblegumdezine@aol.com.
    I will be looking forward to hear from you soon!

    Thanks in advance,
