Saturday, March 13, 2010

0 comments Saturday, March 13, 2010

Scorchness on a Lazy Saturday

Posted by Maia - Filed under , , , ,
I hate the heat.
This weather is making me go GAH!!!
I can't even write.

It's been scorching, mind-numbing and crazy hot lately. Seriously, I have tried everything to cool down. I am currently eating sago't gulaman, fan on me, and will be taking the longest shower since Ondoy. It's that hot. To put it in perspective and to give a name to this heat - My Luci calls it SCORCHNESS.

Scorchness is the term for the recent extreme heat. It dries up even braincells in my head and it prevents me from creating blog entries, stories or even working. It's El Niño. It's a dryspell. It's the burning Halo-halo/ ice cream wanting heat we all experience now. That's scorchness.

On another hand, SCORCHNESS can mean an extremely attractive person. Hotter than HOT. More fabulous than fab. For example, ME! *dodges arrows and knives*. Just kidding, pero hindi.


It's Saturday one of the rare ones I stayed at home for. I slept in, played with the baby. Watched Tinkerbell the movie and Little Einstein, talked to Luci, started a blue monster, finished Gir, wrapped Gir, Played the guitar, talked to da, and now writing a blog.

I enjoy Saturdays like these. It helps me rest. Recovery from the hell week I have been through. The week was in a word - HORRENDOUS. But today, since I have rested. My brain cells have all gone to the spa and are all SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICISPIALIDOCIOUS!

I feel good. I am psyched for tonight's reunion. I. CAN'T. WAIT.


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