Monday, February 15, 2010

0 comments Monday, February 15, 2010

Bitch in the house

Posted by Maia - Filed under , , , ,
If there's such a thing as a Bitch-meter I will be off the scales today. Though, its funny. It started to be such a good day, I was even singing to LOVELESS by YAMAPI while putting on my make-up in the staff room. But then something must be in the air because as soon as I learned that some of my files were missing -- I flew off the handle and started bitching.

I was such in a foul mood that everyone was on their tippy toes around me. Maybe it was lack of sleep. But yeah i was worse than a firecracker...or an atomic bomb... BOOM!

anyway, i mellowed down in the after lunch. A little. Until some demanding SOB decided to bring the bitch back. Why oh why do they have to come at 4:30 and demand to release their papers ... WITHOUT SO MUCH OF A THANK YOU? ...

I . want. to. kick. something.

Plus, the fact that I'm annoyed at a certain someone is pissing me off too.


I think I am going to sleep. Like now.

Hopefully tommorow I'll be perky again

PS.. I miss a certain person... why am i missing him? why am i looking forward to seeing a demi god?


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