The Lowdown on Monday Morning Sickness
Have you ever screamed that? I have. Every Monday. Monday has always been my D-day. I hate Mondays with a passion. It could be rainy, sunny, cloudy, or windy outside, but the day MONDAY always bring me down. It is always on Monday where I feel the urge to dive underneath my covers and pretend that I am not there or sick. I just HATE Mondays. Everyone knows that. I am GARFIELD on that day. It is also the day I bitch,whine, moan and basically trudge through the day hoping that TUESDAY would come sooner. Coffee is never enough on Monday mornings and have you noticed a co-worker who is always gone on Monday?
Maybe they are sick. Maybe I am sick. Maybe it’s because there is a clinical illness that describes what we go through on Monday mornings.
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